What's Happening!
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If you are part of a group that uses Walton and would like to use this News page or the Social events page on this website
to promote events and spread the word about upcoming events, please email the details with any suitably scaled photographs or flyers (as pdf files) to:
Border Rambler bus service to Brampton
Walton has a bus service to Brampton on Wednesdays and Thursdays during the summer.
The route is via Gilsland and allows passengers about 2 hours in Brampton before returning by the reverse route. The service is operated by volunteers.
Details of the route and timetable.
For further information contact the Scheduled Bus Services Team on 0333 240 69 65 (Option 1) Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:00.
Changes in St Mary's Churchyard
The churchyard in Walton is to be managed in a way that makes some areas a better environment for wildlife; you may have noticed the changes going on there.
Walton Church Committee's article (pdf), available to read or download, gives more information about this project.
Walton Post Office opening hours
Walton Post Office is open 10am - 12pm Monday and Wednesday.
Citizens Advice Bureau now in Brampton
An adviser is based at Brampton Community Centre every Thursday between 10am and 3:30pm.
Download this flyer (pdf) for more information and contact details.